Situation summary and business challenge
Until two years ago, our client gathered a broad range of market share positioning information by sending out Excel files to each of the country managers, asking them to provide all the relevant figures to generate a consolidated overview. Each year, this time-consuming process resulted in extensive delays before any (interim) figures became available. This was mainly due to Excel files either being filled out wrongly, incompletely or not at all, and because of difficulties with comprehension.
"How can we accurately and timely understand our market share evolution and potential per country, region, and worldwide, to predict future sales and decide where to concentrate our sales support efforts and address competitive threats?"
Our proposed solution
Develop an online tool, fully customised to the needs of our client, that allows country managers to add their figures, step by step, in a very user-friendly way, including regular data checks.
Given that the results are now available much sooner and are more accurate than ever, and the fact that filling out details has become much less of a chore, the country managers are now much more likely to share their figures in a timely manner.
Results and benefits to our client
The result is an online portal with detailed sales data giving an accurate and uniform view on how our client is doing versus competitors. The entrance is accessible worldwide for all managers with proper access rights. Plus, all results can be easily exported to Excel if needed.
This portal is now a core asset for C-suite people within the organisation, providing them with the right information at the right time to facilitate strategic planning.